Tuesday, April 24, 2012

WHYTE RASH TIME: a review (from france)

You thought all to have heard with PINBALL, ARAB ONE RADAR, HOMOSTUPIDS, FOLDED SHIRT and the SHAGGS?  I present you UZI RASH, well broken quartet if it is some.  The first one listens (Labrador) took place in evening end, immediately following the departure of the buddies Eric and come Audrey to the house to do the dubbing of Investigation of Action (yes not tries not to understand, I will explain you a day).  With Jennie, one wondered what it had well been able to go through the head of these Americans to deliver of a similar disc.  Indeed, this is very simple.  Suffices to listen temperate.  Music blues rock tinkered with vaudou with the means of the edge, supreme discords, talks of deaf one between all the instruments.  And then this completely stunned voice, deep feeble, delayed to the extreme one, so improbable that one would believe it gone out of a bad episode of Ren & Stimpy.  Poulpos should love.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


may 6- 3/27 haus 3127 telegraph oakland early show 6pm CUSTODY BATTLE (az), YI
may 11th- davis bike collective w GGREEN, CHARLES ALBRIGHT
may 12th- clarks house 249 ryland reno w SPITTING IMAGE, SPOROZOAN
may 26th- speakeasy hunters point sf w YI, SYNTHETIC ID, TERRY MALTS
may 31st- whitehorse oakland GO! GO! fest w WHITE FANG, CCR HEADCLEANER

also upcoming: PORTERS cdr self release,  Troutwomen 7" from GGNZLA, BLBL cassettes from Hans White, CORELESS ROLL CAN-LINER LP from 1234GO!